
I know I was born with a brain, so I know that you were born with a brain aswell, and therefor I know that every little baby that's born is born with a brain in their head too ergo we are all on the same level when we are born, we know as much as the other baby, we learn as much as the next baby and we think as much as any new-born kid. I'm not talking about those who are born with defects or other misfortuned deformed babies. The ones that are born with 100% health, which is a lot.
anyway, lets skip to the point
If everyone is born with the same capacity, then the reason why some kids grow up to be "bad" (or a bit out of the normal creative square) is in fact the parents fault, and that would mean that there are some parents out there not doing their job well, and therefor they are the reason why crimes and other hooligans get their strenght to act as bizarre as they do, so therefor we musn't blame ourselves, kids.. We should stand up and tell our parents that they are the reason why I just went and robbed that videostore. they are the reasons why I smoke weed everyday and think it's so amazing to bully other people and beat them up, yes indeed it's the parents fault.

Now if you're one of them that red this and agreed with me, then please do get a brain-check up, you are on the wrong way of the road mister and should perhaps start to clean up your act and get some perspective in your life, AND stop blaming other for your missfortune, and lack of happiness.

you can start from here....


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